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      例: THE TOKYO YOMIURI GIANTS ==> The Tokyo Yomiuri Giants



ブリティッシュ(トラディショナル、 インデンティド)パラグラフスタイル

    When I was a boy I had a little puppy named Jiro. Everyday Jiro and I 
went for a walk and we really enjoyed it. On a windy day I was on my bicycle
and Jiro had a hard time catching me up.
    On Christmas day in 1998 Jiro died. He got run over by a car. That day
I was busy with parties and didn't walk Jiro. He got so irritated that he
broke his leash and ran off. Then he got killed. I really regret that I didn't
take him out for a walk that day. It's my fault.



When I was a boy I had a little puppy named Jiro. Everyday Jiro and I went for a walk and we
really enjoyed it. On a windy day I was on my bicycle and Jiro had a hard time catching me up.

On Christmas day in 1998 Jiro died. He got run over by a car. That day I was busy with parties
and didn't walk Jiro. He got so irritated that he broke his leash and ran off. Then he got killed.
I really regret that I didn't take him out for a walk that day. It's my fault.






Introduction of English Lessons into Japanese Elementary Schools

                                                        997645 Taro Yamada

The Education Ministry of Japan decided to allow English to be taught in elementary schools as of 2002, when a new school curriculum guideline is scheduled to be implemented.

Some are doubtful of its worth. Yoshiko Mizutani argues in Rondan (Asahi Shinbun, September 16, p.4, 2000) that it may create inequality among students in Japan, for the adoption of such English classes is totally left to the discretion of each school. She wonders "how the state could justify a policy which may create inequality of educational opportunities among pupils." (English translation provided by Yamada) Carol Gluck of NewsWeek Japan expresses another opposition "... that English be mastered only by those who need it in their work, while the rest concentrate on mastering their own language, a task that is difficult enough in itself." <wysiwyg://64/>.

According to Tom Merner,
a co-author of Monbusho Practical Handbook for Elementary School English Activities, it is not a good idea to make English a subjet to learn in Elementary school. (Lecture at Gunma Prefectural College of Health Science, January 27, 2002) Gregory Clark also claims English should be taught anew in the university level, saying " ... full-fledged English education should be provided at the university level, when students have clear goals and motivation."<>.

Keiko Abe, however, believes primary school English is worthwhile, and she calls for a better overall review of the English education system in Japan as follows:
"The transition from primary school to middle school is important and there must be a more comprehensive educational framework spanning primary school levels to college levels. I think primary and middle school levels should be very closely linked."
-- Language Lab, The Daily Yomiuri, May 15, p.7, 2000

Luc Pham (cited in <>) also reports English teaching with the Natural Approach made a significant difference in the language development of many non-native primary-level students in Salt Lake City. (English paraphrasing provided by Yamada)

In conclusion, I think English should be taught at primary level as I have found many researchers and linguists agree that the earlier is the better for a child to start learning a second language.

《注》 このスタイルに準拠しないものは基本的に受け取りません。


Why is Beethoven's 9th symphony loved so much by the people around the world?

                                                    02323454 Shizu Nankai Candies

I had belonged to the Takasaki Chorus for Beethoven's 9th symphony. I sang the Beethoven's 9th symphony with Gunma Symphony Orchestra and NHK Symphony Orchestra at the end of the two years of practice.

Hard rock guitarists, Ritchie Blackmore and Yngwie J. Malmsteen, are using a part of Beethoven's 9th symphony in their songs. When I was a keyboardist for a lousy band, I used to play Difficult Care's instrumental music. In the music, there was the main theme of Beethoven's 9th symphony, too.

Every year, Beethoven's 9th symphony is performed at the end of the year in Japan, and is performed at the beginning of the year in foreign countries. It is first performed in Naruto, Tokushima prefecture in Japan. According to Naruto civil hall, "German prisoners of the World War I, who were detained in a war prisoner's camp in Naruto, performed the symphony for the first time in Japan."<>

The 9th symphony is used as the symbol of new era. Henry Feldman writes "When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 and freedom swept across Europe, there was no question what music should be played. While 500,000 Berliners poured across the newly opened border on Christmas Eve, Leonard Bernstein rounded up an international orchestra and chorus to proclaim the new era via satellite with back-to-back East and West Berlin performances of--what else?-- the Beethoven Ninth Symphony."

It can't be discussed without Schiller. He wrote the poem "Ode to Joy", and then Beethoven wrote the 9th symphony for the poem. According to Bill, a manager of the web page "Beethoven, the immortal", "Friedrich von Schiller's poem "Ode to Joy" had aroused Beethoven's republican instincts even in youth:" <>

Following is the first part of "Ode to Joy" (left: German, right: English)

Freude, Scho"ner Go"tterfunken,                                       Joy, fair spark of the gods,
Tochter aus Elysium,                                                          Daughter of Elysium,
Wir betreten feuer-trunken,                                                Drunk with fiery rapture, Goddess,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!                                                 We approach thy shrine!


Why is Beethoven's 9th symphony loved so much by the people around the world? The answer is simple. Because it is really a great work. Beethoven spent ten years to complete the 9th symphony. Elizabeth Schwarm Glesner, a professor of music at Metropolitan State College of Denver, writes as follows. "Ten years would pass before this final symphony's completion, ten years in which Beethoven shed blood over every note, considering and rejecting over two-hundred different versions of the "Joy" theme alone."<>

What influence did Thomas Alva Edison's inventions have on the world?

                                                                                                                0239870 Nainai Okamura

Everyone knows of Edison, the king of inventors. What effects do Edison's inventions have on the world around us? To find this out, I did some research on Edison.

Canot Robert says, "One of the most famous and prolific inventors of all time, Thomas Alva Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life, contributing inventions such as the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, as well as improving the telegraph and telephone."

Edison did indeed have a very large effect upon the modern world. Paul Isreal says, "In his 84 years, he acquired an astounding 1,093 patents. Aside from being an inventor, Edison also managed to become a successful manufacturer and businessman, marketing his inventions to the public." <>

According to Martin V. Melosi's explanation, Thomas Alva Edison famous as a large inventor rather than the founder of GE (general and electric) was born in Ohio Milan in the United States on February 11, 1847. <>

Thanks to Edison's inventions, we in the world today can live lives of convenience and content. We often forget there are so many inventions by Edison. Edison's first invention was the electric recorder. Surprisingly, the electric recorder was invented seven years before the incandescent light bulb. Everyone must have thought the light bulb was Edison's first invention. The incandescent light bulb is used in many places, including homes, offices, schools and hospitals. What is surprising is that I may not have the current job if it were not for Edison's inventions.

According to The Health Physics Society, Thomas Alva Edison's reputation was well established by the time X rays were discovered in November, 1895. He had received patents for hundreds of inventions, including those for the motion picture camera and the first practical incandescent light. Upon learning of Roentgen's discovery, Edison set about assembling the necessary equipment to investigate this new phenomenon.

I did not understand how Edison's inventions and X-rays were connected. According to The Health Physics Society, most of his initial research was devoted to improving upon the barium platinocyanide fluorescent screens used to view X ray images (Roentgen had discovered X rays by the fluorescence they created from a screen of barium platinocyanide.)

Now I understand the connection between Edison and Roentogen. According to The Health Physics Society, By March of 1896, Edison had incorporated this material into a device he called the Vitascope (later called a fluoroscope) that consisted of a tapered box with a calcium tungstate screen and a viewing port.

However, tragedy awaited as the Vitascope was being invented. According to The Health Physics Society, Clarence Dally, one of Edison's most dependable assistants, developed a degenerative skin disorder, which progressed into a carcinoma. In 1904, Dally succumbed to his injuries-the first radiation related death in the United States. Immediately, Edison halted all his X-ray research.<>

Not all inventions go smoothly. I know that Roentgen discovered X-ray. I didn't know that Edison's inventions are associated with my work.

Edison did not give up and continued inventing. This is probably why he obtained 1093 patents. Edison left the following words, "A genius, he is made of 99% of sweat, and 1% of flash." I respect Edison.