Hideto's Writing Trainer
Part-time Jobs

Let's practice writing about OUR PART-TIME JOBS.

Please try to introduce your part-time jobs (or arubaito in Japanese) in English by following the guidelines below. You just simply answer each question and put them all together. You will have a nice and brief introduction of your part-time jobs at the end. Type an answer into the box provided and then pull down the drop-down box to see some of the possible ways to answer the question. You can also consult a dictionary by pressing the button below. Enjoy writing!


1 What part-time job do you do?

Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible answers.

To clear the box, press this button:

2 What exactly do you do on the job?

Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible answers.

To clear the box, press this button:
3 How much time do you spend on it?

Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible answers.

To clear the box, press this button:
4 How much (money) do you earn?

Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible answers.

To clear the box, press this button:
5 What are you planning to spend the money on?

Put a check in the appropriate box.

school tuition
start business
To clear these boxes, press this button:

Then write it in a sentence.

To clear these boxes, press this button:

Guidelines | Examples

Self Introduction College Personality Appearances Interests Personal History
Family Daily Life Club Activities Part-Time Jobs Friends Future Dreams

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(C) Hideto 1999